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Speckled Pigeon

Columba guinea
Conservation Status: 
Least Concern
Sub-Saharan Africa
Open areas and urban environments
Speckled Pigeons have a reddish-purple plumage, with white speckles on their wings and a red patch of skin around their eyes. Flocks can consist of several hundred individuals and often gather on the ground to socialize and feed, especially in areas with abundant food. Their diet primarily consists of seeds, groundnuts, and cultivated grains. They are proficient flyers, often soaring high in the sky with steady wing beats.
To attract females, males crouch down, lower their heads, vocalize, and twitch their wings. Like most pigeons, they also clap their wings behind their back. They construct various types of nests using different materials, seeking out areas that offer some protection. Males contribute nesting materials, while females are responsible for nest building. Females typically lay 1 to 3 eggs, and the incubation period lasts around 14 to 18 days. As pigeons, they feed their offspring with crop milk during the initial days. Crop milk is produced by cells lining the parent's crop and provides a nutritional value similar to cow's milk. The babies insert their heads into the parent's mouth and consume the nourishing crop milk. Fledging usually occurs between 20 to 25 days.
African Speckled Pigeons are categorized as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Their population remains stable, and there are currently no perceived threats to their survival.